Friday, 16 March 2012

Buzkashi, the national game

Buzkashi is a traditional Central Asian game and the national sport of Afghanistan. This game is also widely played in northern Pakistan, Turkmenistan, some parts of China and Kazakhstan. The game is such that skilled horse riders are suppose to grab a goat or calf from the ground while riding a horse at full gallop. The goal of a player is to grab the carcass of a headless goat or calf and then get it clear of the other players and pitch it across a goal line or into a target circle or vat. A Buzkashi player is called a Chapandaz. It is mainly believed in Afghanistan that a skillful Chapandaz is usually in his forties. This is based on the fact that the nature of the game requires its player to undergo severe physical practice and observation. Similarly horses used in Buzkashi also undergo severe training and due attention. A player does not necessarily own the horse. Horses are usually owned by landlords and highly rich people wealthy enough to look after and provide for training facilities for such horses. However a master Chapandaz can choose to select any horse and the owner of the horse usually wants his horse to be ridden by a master Chapandaz as a winning horse also brings pride to the owner. The calf in a Buzkashi game is normally beheaded and disemboweled and has its limbs cut off at the knees. It is then soaked in cold water for 24 hours before play to toughen it. Occasionally sand is packed into the carcass to give it extra weight. Players may not strap the calf to their bodies or saddles. Though a goat is used when no calf is available, a calf is less likely to disintegrate during the game.
But the game is now banned in Afghanistan. Buzkashi is the national sport and a "passion" in Afghanistan where it is often played on Fridays and matches draw thousands of fans. During the rule of the Taliban regime, Buzkashi was banned in Afghanistan, as the Taliban considered the game immoral. But since the Taliban regime was ousted the game is being played again.
The game is a part of several movies and books. For e.g John Huston’s film, The Man Who would be the king and was also a part of the opening scene of a hindi movie Khuda Gawah. It was also briefly mentioned in the book, the Kite Runner. This game was highly opposed by the Animal Rights Commission and hence is not played extensively today.

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