Wednesday, 28 March 2012


They say “when in Rome do as the Romans do” .This is a native Faroese pointers on what to say and what not to in the faroe islands. This is because they are sick of being looked down upon for their way of living and believe that if you have nothing nice to sya then don’t say it all principle and it works for them...which is why they are so happy and so connected!

A. Never ever call the faroe islands denmark.

-this is because 1. The faroese do not identify with the danes.

2.the faroese look at denmark as a separate nation

3.danes are looked at as foreign nationals.

B. danish and faroes people do not unerstand each other. The danes see the faroese as culturally backward and feel bad for their way of living.

C. the faroese are very proud of their national heritage. They regard the grindadrap as a very important part of their culture,it is best to avoid strongly cristicizing them,

D. the faroese are known to be helpful and hospitable and they expect you to be the same,

E. If you go and visit the old part of tórshavn around tinganes - don´t bother the people who live there (like peering in through people's windows or ask if you can use the toilet) - the old wooden houses are not a tourist display, and their inhabitants are getting very tired of visitors who fail to understand this and act like they are aliens from another planet.They

understand this lifestyle seems different to you,but gawking is not neccessary to experience it.


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